Mike Trout to the Phillies?!
And now that I have your attention … Mike Trout will undoubtedly be the most sought-after free agent in baseball when he becomes a free agent in 2020. But an obscure loophole in California labor law could let him out of his rookie contract sooner. Section 2855 of the California Labor Code mandates that no…
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Court Orders Ban Hammer on BitTorrent Defendant
I didn’t think it was possible to be ban someone for life from the internet, but it can really happen. It’s not just something moderators say on Reddit or 4chan anymore. A federal judge in Oregon ordered a BitTorrent defendant banned for life from using “BitTorrent or the Internet for the copying or downloading of unlicensed copyrighted…
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Happy Birthday to Everyone!
Today is my birthday, and lots of people have been singing “Happy Birthday” to me today. Good thing that “Happy Birthday” is now in the public domain. A documentary filmmaker who was making a film about the history of the song received a violation notice and ended up having to pay $1,500.00 for rights to use the…
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Election Day 2015: Philly’s Future in the Balance
The primary election is happening here in Philadelphia and across the Commmonwealth tomorrow, May 19, 2015. Pennsylvania holds closed primaries, which means a voter can only vote for candidates in the party in which he or she is registered. That said, Philadelphia has effectively been a one-party town for so long that the Democratic primary…
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