Prince Music Theater on the ropes?
This article calls attention to the fact that the Prince Music Theater’s days may be numbered. Back in October 2010, I represented the Prince in its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. As the months (and years) wore on, we fought against every one of TD Bank’s efforts to foreclose on the building and shut down the…
SlepnerLaw wins in Landlord-Tenant Court!
Recently I had the pleasure of representing landlord clients in a standard eviction in the Philadelphia Municipal Court. Back in November, my clients had a default judgment entered in their favor because neither the tenant nor his attorney showed up for court. We promptly went about executing on the judgment. In mid-May – six (6!) months…
About time
The FBI raided the Philadelphia Sheriff’s office yesterday. More details here: If you are facing a sheriff’s sale, you probably don’t have to worry about moving for a while.
Epic Win!
Today the Honorable Ellen Ceisler of the Court of Common Pleas found in favor of the appellants in Lewis, et al. v. Zoning Board of Adjustment, et al., stating that there was no hardship and thus no reason for the variances to be granted. The developers in question in this case had sought variances to completely demolish…