Epic Win!
Today the Honorable Ellen Ceisler of the Court of Common Pleas found in favor of the appellants in Lewis, et al. v. Zoning Board of Adjustment, et al., stating that there was no hardship and thus no reason for the variances to be granted. The developers in question in this case had sought variances to completely demolish…
Big news
I’m proud to announce that I have joined the board of the Fishtown Neighbors Association! I attended my first meeting as a board member tonight after time spent helping out with the Zoning Committee and involvement in other FNA events. I look forward to continuing to help the community through board service going forward.
The tragedy in Boston yesterday had special significance for me despite being a proud Philadelphian and Fishtowner, as it no doubt did for the thousands of people across the country and the world who spent a good portion of their youth and early adult years in Boston. I went to Brandeis University, which, for those…
My first foray into electoral politics was in high school, where I ran for student council treasurer on a platform that I have mostly forgotten (although I do recall something having to do with a Coke machine). Despite being backed by the best campaign video ever (set to The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again”), I…